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How to Create Leave Requests

Admins are able to create Leave Requests on behalf of workers. Leave Requests created by the admin do not require any approval and are automatically applied to the worker's attendance records.

Follow these steps to Create a Leave Request:

Step 1: Open the Leave Managemet page

  1. Select Roster Control on the side menu

  2. Select “Leave Management”

Step 2: Create a new Leave Request

  1. Select "New Request"

Step 3: Fill in Leave Request Details

  1. Select the Leave type

  2. Select Full Day or Half Day

  3. Search and select the employee name

  4. Select the Leave Start Date

  5. Select the Leave End Date

  6. Enter the reason for the Leave Request

  7. Select "Confirm"

Step 4: Review and Save Details

Leave Requests created by the admins are automatically approved and will be displayed on the History tab.

  1. Select the "History" tab to view any Approved/Rejected leave requests

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